Water Heater Sounds Like a Jet Engine: Causes and Solutions for the Noise

If your water heater sounds like a jet engine, you may be concerned about your home’s safety and your appliance’s efficiency. This noisy issue can disrupt your daily life and indicate underlying problems with your water heater.

Discover the reasons behind the jet engine noise by knowing whether it’s normal for water heaters to make such sounds and understanding effective solutions to help you eliminate this bothersome noise.

Why Does My Water Heater Sound Like a Jet Engine?

Having worked with numerous water heaters exhibiting jet engine-like sounds, I’ve often found that the cause can vary significantly. Whether it’s sediment buildup, high water pressure, or component failures, each issue has its telltale signs.

● Sediment Buildup

In one particularly challenging case, a customer’s water heater sounded like a jet was taking off every time it was turned on. Upon inspection, it was clear that years of sediment accumulation had created a thick layer at the bottom of the tank, leading to severe overheating and noise. As the heating element works harder to heat the water, it vibrates, creating the jet engine sound.

water heater sounds like a jet engine

● High Water Pressure

Excessively high water pressure in the plumbing system can cause the pipes to vibrate and create loud noises. This issue may be resolved by adjusting the pressure, reducing the valve, or installing a new one if necessary.

● Leakage

When a water heater leaks, it is crucial to address it immediately. The sound of sizzling can indicate to homeowners that there is a problem. This noise is due to liquid water dropping from a valve or connection, vaporizing upon contact with the hot surface.

● Expansion and Contraction of the Heating Element

This issue is not limited to traditional water heaters; tankless models can also suffer from loud noises due to burner obstructions or sediment in the U-tube. I’ve seen cases where these problems were so severe that the noise echoed throughout the house.

Is it Typical for a Hot Water Heater to Produce Noise?

Some noise from your water heater is expected, such as water flowing through the pipes or the occasional clicking of the heating element. However, if your water heater constantly sounds like a jet engine, this may indicate a problem that needs to be addressed.

Ignoring the issue could lead to decreased efficiency, increased energy costs, and potential damage to your water heater or plumbing system.

Effective Solutions to Get Rid of Jet Engine Noise in Your Water Heater

To eliminate the jet engine noise from your water heater, consider the following solutions:

IssueSolutionExpert Insight
Sediment BuildupFlush the water heater regularly“From my experience, flushing once a year is sufficient for most areas, but in regions with extremely hard water, bi-annual flushing is more effective.”
High Water PressureAdjust or install a pressure valve“High pressure is a common culprit behind noisy water heaters. Installing a pressure valve has often resolved this issue for many clients I’ve assisted.”
Burner Obstruction (Tankless)Clean or replace the burner“For tankless models, it’s essential to check the burner regularly, especially if you hear roaring sounds. Cleaning can often be done yourself, but consult a professional if unsure.”
Expansion/Contraction NoiseInsulate the pipes“Insulating your pipes can dramatically reduce noise from expansion and contraction. This is especially useful in older homes with metal pipes.”

● Flush Your Water Heater

Regularly flushing your water heater can help remove sediment buildup and prevent overheating. Flustering your water heater at least once a year is recommended, but more frequent flushing may be necessary for areas with hard water.

● Install a Water Softener

Installing a water softener can help reduce mineral deposits in your water heater, reducing the likelihood of sediment buildup and noise.

● Adjust the Water Pressure

Check the water pressure in your plumbing system and adjust it to the recommended range of 50 to 60 psi. If you’re unsure how to do this, consider consulting a professional plumber.

● Insulate the Pipes

Insulating your water pipes can help reduce noise caused by high water pressure and pipe vibration. This can also help improve energy efficiency and prevent heat loss.

● Replace the Broken Heating Element

If the heating element is damaged or corrupted, replacing it may help reduce the noise. Consult a professional plumber to determine if this is the best solution.

● Regular Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance for your water heater can help identify and resolve potential issues before they become significant problems. A professional plumber can inspect your water heater and recommend necessary repairs or adjustments.

By understanding the causes behind this noise and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can ensure the efficiency and longevity of your water heater while restoring peace to your home.

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Jhon Thermon is a skilled author and water heater expert with years of experience in the field. He has authored several articles and books on various aspects of water heater installation, maintenance, and repair.